Eltham Town Square – Luck Street, Eltham.

Following a series of workshops in art and ecology, ( ) participants were invited to contribute to the mural. Created in collaboration with environmental scientist Aviva Reed and young people from the local community, the work was subsequently acquired by the council collection and was revisited in 2016 and resolved for inclusion into the Redevelopment of Eltham’s Mains Street Plaza. The work presents locally indigenous and ecologically significant flora and fauna, and presents an ecological portrait of the regions river system.

Paul Kalemba and Aviva Reed – The Symbiogenesis Project: Laughing Waters (2011)
Location: Eltham Town Square, Luck Street, Eltham
“Symbiogenesis: (v) The merging of two separate organisms to form a single new organism.
The symbiogenisis project combines art and science through a collaborative exploration of symbiotic relationships. An aesthetic focus invites an emotive and philosophical connection
with the complex interactions of the subjects of the work. The State forest surrounding the Laughing Waters Artist Residence supports several critically endangered species that are
crucial biological indicators for the region. These species and their interactions form the subject for this collaborative, cross-disciplinary project.